Thursday, March 1, 2012

The world of cake decorating

I have had my second Cake Decorating class and I have to say that the world of cake decorating is definitely an interesting one. We are learning about stencils, piping, embossing and 'flood brush work', and that is just the tip of the cake decorating ice berg!
There are moulds you can use, texture sheets, glitter & pearls, and all different types of icing and colourings! I have ordered some gel colours from Baking Pleasures, because they give a stronger colour, along with a damask stencil that I can have a play around with. I am really going to have to control my spending and my curious nature, because it is so tempting to buy some of these things before I learn how to actually use them!

In Class 2 we learnt how to do stencilling, both with just painting in the stencil (using powdered colours) and with royal icing (which is m preferred method). Ignore the colours and the stencils used, this was just to learn the technique:

I also iced the back of the letters I had made in Class 1. This makes them almost 3D and then you can sit them upright on a cake. I'm definitely looking foward to having a play around with my new stencil and colours, this would be the technique I'd use on icing my wedding cake (if I decide to do my own).

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